Neuro Alien
“Ms Victim to Ms Bully:
Everyone can improve themself as a person! But to really change for the better?... Here’s an idea.....
What if there were a ‘free-will switch’ located at the point where a baby’s skull fuses together? That place on a skull is called the fontanelle. The residence of one’s decision-making mechanism.”
Everyone has a free choice available to them at the level of their individual moral threshold.
(R' Eliahu Dessler, Collected Essays, Free Choice, Part II: 'The Level of Choice')
כל אדם יש לו בחירה היינו בנקודת פגישת האמת שלו אם האמת המדומה
ר׳ אליהו דסלר)
(מכתב מאליהו, חלק א: פרק ב, נקודת הבח
neuro alien
I believe in a possibility:
‘Planet Hospitality’
It could be.
And I don't think this hostility
Is a possibility
For me
I know, I know…
Somewhere in my mind there’s a switch
I just have to reach for it.
Toggle… toggle…
On and off
There’s a possibility -
Why not?
I just have to find its position
I just have to find its position
(Yeah, you have to find its position)
I believe we don’t all have to feel,
We don’t all have to think
Would you agree -
This is my planet too
This planet is mine too
Would you?
Let me think…
To… to… to turn the tables…
I know, I know…
Somewhere in your mind there’s a switch
You just have to reach for it.
Toggle… toggle…
On and off
There’s a possibility -
Why not?
You just have to find its position
You just have to find its position
Impossible – I’m possible
Impossible – I’m possible
‘I’m possible’